What were David's successes and challenges?
How did David allow himself to fall into sin?
* David abandoned his purpose by staying at home instead of going to war. (2 Samuel 11:1)
* He focused on his desires (2 Samuel 11:3).
* When temptation came, instead of walking away from it, he clung to it. (2 Samuel 11:4)
* He sinned repeatedly (2 Samuel 11:4).
* He tried to cover up his sins by deceiving others. (2 Samuel 11:6-15)
* He killed to cover up his sin (2 Samuel 11:15, 17), and eventually his sin was revealed. (2 Samuel 12:9)
* The consequences of David's sin were far-reaching, affecting others as well. (2 Samuel 11:17; 12:11, 14, 15)
* David could have chosen to turn from sin at any time. But once sin begins, it becomes difficult to stop. (James 1:14, 15)
How to escape temptation?
* Pray earnestly to God to keep us away from people, places, situations that tempt us.
* Remember and focus on those verses that address your particular weakness.
* Find another believer with whom you can openly share your struggles, and call and pray for help when tempted.